Prophets Mouldier Report

Subject : Prophets Mouldier
Date      : 15 February 2011 (Tuesday)
Venue   : Surau Mukkamul Amin
Time     : 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Event of Prophets Mouldier was organised by Muslim Society, held on 15 February 2011 (Tuesday) from 10.30 am until 12.30 pm at Surau Mukammul Amin. The participants was around 35 person including staffs and students. There is  no budgeted that used in this event.
Objective of this event :
v To sent out information and knowledge about history of Prophet, Muhammad SAW.
v To give motivation among students and staffs about Islamic world especially our prophet Muhammad SAW.
v To realize that the day is a very special for us as a Muslim.
v To strengthen the Ukhwah and brotherhood especially among Muslim students.

Preparation has been successfully done by Committee Members. The event started at Surau Mukkamul Amin. Unfortunately, the events was not started very smoothly because the technical errors. But, Alhamdulillah committee Members successfully avoided  this  problem. Then, we continued with our first slot which is introduction about the special day (prophets Mouldier) by our chairman of Muslim Society, Zaidi bin Bujang.                                                                                     
After finish the first slot, we continued with the second slot which is movie display. Whereas the movie is about history of prophet Muhammad SAW. This is to remind that our prophet, Muhammad SAW is a special person that is very lucky person.
 From that, we can realize that not only our birthday to remember but also our prophet Muhammad SAW. Besides that, we can save in our minds that always to grateful the sacrifice of the battle of our prophet Muhammad SAW.
Hoped that this Prophet Mouldier will be held annually and continued. So from  that we can change our minds to think very clearly and positively also to change certain perspective about the world of Islam.
We finished the event at 12.30 pm. Then, we continued with solat zuhur. The cleaning up was done by the Committee Members also corporation from participants. Overall, the event went smoothly although something technical errors are incured. Thank you for all the hard work involve.

Prepared By :                     

Nur Hidayah Binti Mohammad
Assistant Chairman of Muslim Society 2011.


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